Latest updates from our branches and campaigns
Organiser x 2
We’re now hiring two new organisers to help our members organise renters and build the power of the union

Event: London Renters Union Anti-Raids x Copwatch Training – Sat 16 Jul 2022, 11am – 2.30pm
Do you know how to spot an immigration raid? Do you know how to monitor police in your area? Do you want to learn how to challenge raids and intervene when you see police harassment and brutality? The London Renters Union are hosting an anti-raids x copwatch training delivered by Lewisham Anti-Raids and Hackney Copwatch. The workshop will help you understand how to monitor police, and safely intervene during immigration raids and police incidents.

Event: Building a better housing future – 27th July 2022
We know plenty about what’s wrong with housing in London, but how could it be better? This panel discussion will be a chance to think about housing futures, both in the short term and long term. What housing would you want to live in? Does it already exist or do you want to create something new? How can we move housing away from being a prop for the economy towards being embedded in community? What can we do to build our visions for housing together?

Local elections 2022: who has pledged to #SideWithRenters?
Across the city, LRU is building the power of renters. In the upcoming local elections, this means councillors want our votes, and are meeting our demands. Across 6 London boroughs, LRU members have developed local demands about changes they want to see the council...

Member solidarity training, 9 July 2022 11.30am-5pm
Do you want to learn how to support renters with housing issues, and take action against landlords and estate agents? This member solidarity training is for you!

Get Active training April 2022
Saturday 23rd April 2022, 10.45am - 3.45pm Common Room at Pelican House, 144 Cambridge Heath Rd, London E1 5QJIf you’ve joined as a member recently and want to get stuck in, or if you’ve been involved for a little while and want to know more about how the LRU works,...

Summary of our December 2021 All Member Assembly
During the pandemic we have been working tirelessly for renters in spite of the myriad of challenges and pressures that have arisen. Thanks to the hard work of all our members we have been able to secure more wins this past year such as our recent action in Evelyn...

4th December – LRU all member assembly 2021
Help shape our plans for 2022. Hear from LRU members and branches about our WINS over the past year. Get more involved in the London Renters Union community.

Member solidarity training, Tuesday 28 September 6.30-8.30pm
Our Member Solidarity training is for all members who want to support other renters with their housing issues, and stand up to landlords and estate agents. You will learn about how we organise member solidarity in the union, our principles and process, and how we...

Get Active Training, 18th September 2021, 10:30am-4pm
*This training is now full - please make sure you're a signed up member and you'll be emailed about future training opportunities* If you’ve joined as a member recently and want to get stuck in, or if you’ve been involved for a little while and want to know more about...
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