Outreach training – 7th June 6-8pm

Over the past year, renters like you have taken action together and won crucial government protections from eviction during the pandemic and forced landlords to pay out thousands of pounds in repairs and compensation.
This summer, renters in the LRU will be reaching out to people in their neighbourhoods through street stalls and door knocking. This is how we build the big, powerful movement we need to win homes for people not profit.
As a renter, you’ve already got the knowledge and experience of the housing system you need to empower other people to take action. Together we can be powerful – but only if renters like you get involved.
Join other LRU members on June 7 to learn how you can get other renters involved in our movement.
At this training we’ll be discussing:
- How to have effective, persuasive conversations with other renters.
- How the experiences you’ve had of renting can move other people to action.
- The London Renters Union’s plan to win.
We encourage all LRU members to attend this training, even if you’ve never done anything like this before!
Register for the training using the form below
We’re a members-led, campaigning union and we’re taking action to make sure all Londoners have a decent, affordable and secure home. Join our community today and become part of the movement to transform the housing system.
LRU Organising 101 Training – Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th March, 10am-5pm
Organising Skills and Theory Training for all LRU Branch Members!
Haringey branch: Introduction to Member Solidarity Training – Wednesday 12th February, 18:30 – 20:30
2025 is the year we need to keep building our renter power. As the housing crisis deepens, more of us are facing insecurity and poor conditions. Now more than ever, we need a strong London Renters Union branch in Haringey, ready to fight for housing justice. We invite...
Brent organiser (paternity cover)
We’re recruiting a Brent Branch Organiser paternity cover to support the growth of our Brent branch.