
Form for street outreach/door knocking


  • Basic info

  • Don't have an email address? Use their phone number as the start of a fake email e.g. 07500877172@noemail.com. Please make sure to enter a unique value *not just something generic like noemail@gmail.com*.
  • Further info

  • We need this to send you a membership pack!
  • Give details in the box below. If this person is signing up as a member, someone will try to give them a call to share basic renters rights info and invite them to a meeting.
  • Notes for person filling out this form

  • If you think we should follow up with this person about the housing issues they're facing, please give details about the issue they're facing
  • What would they like to change about the housing system?
  • If this person lives outside your borough/branch area but you want them to get updates and calls from your branch, select an option below.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.