
LRU roles elections spring 2024

Apr 17, 2023

Do you want to get more involved in running your branch of the London Renters Union? Do you want to get trained up to build renter power? Do you want to support other members to get active in the union? Taking on a role in the LRU your chance to help build renter power.

We’ll be running a training weekend in the summer for all new role holders and you’ll get ongoing support to get the most out of your role and develop your organising skills.

Know you’re ready to put yourself forward for a role? Great! The nomination form is here.

Branch role elections

Over the coming month, LRU members will have the opportunity to put themselves forward for an elected role in their branch. All elected role holders are members of the organsing committee. This is your chance to help take your branch to the next level.

The available roles are:

  • Coordinating group representatives
  • Branch secretary
  • Local Organiser
  • Campaigns committee representative
  • Education leads
  • Organising committee member
  • Communications officer
  • Trade Union Lead (Optional)
  • Treasurer

Full role descriptions are available here.

You should receive an email shortly with information about the meeting where voting will take place.

Directly elected coordinating group roles

As well as roles in branches, we’re also electing members to a number of directly elected positions of the union’s coordinating group, the elected leadership of the union.  These roles will be elected by an online vote in early June. These are:

  • 3x Directly elected coordinating group members
  • 2x Coordianting group convenor
  • 2x Staffing and finance lead

Full role descriptions are available here.

Any questions?

Need help thinking about it? Would you like to talk to someone about it?

Union staff don’t get to vote and are here to help people to stand for election and to make sure it’s as relaxed as possible! So do get in touch by emailing hello@londonrentersunion.org if you’d like to talk it through. If you’re interested in putting yourself forward or would like to chat about it more, please do get in touch!

Nomination form

To put yourself forward for one of these roles, fill out the form below.


We’re a members-led, campaigning union and we’re taking action to make sure all Londoners have a decent, affordable and secure home. Join our community today and become part of the movement to transform the housing system.