
Tower Hamlets role elections June 2022

Jun 21, 2022

Know you’re ready to put yourself forward for a role? Great! The nomination form is here.

Branch role elections

Over the coming month, LRU members will have the opportunity to put themselves forward for an elected role. Members who are elected to a role in their branch will be supported to develop their organising skills and build the power of the union.

If you think that you might like to plan a more active role in the union, read on for more information! We do our best to make the election process as simple and friendly as possible.

Everyone who is elected to a role will be given lots of support and training. They’ll be at least one full-day organising skills training over the summer.

The available roles are:

  • 2x coordinating group representatives
  • 2x outreach and membership secretary
  • 1x campaigns lead
  • Treasurer (optional) 
Click to read more detail about these roles ⬇️

2 x coordinating group representatives
Represents the branch’s issues, ideas and strategic thinking at the coordinating group and puts forward proposals from the branch at the CG.
Be a point of communication between the branch and coordinating group and other parts of the union including by giving an update and asking for issues to be raised at each branch meeting.

2x Outreach and membership secretary
Responsible for helping with the smooth running of key organising work of the branch.
Organises regular phone banking sessions and encourages branch members to attend.
Helps with the organisation of street outreach sessions e.g. organising a rota.

1 x Campaigns leads
Supports the branch to run effective campaigns and attends meetings of the LRU campaigns committee.

How these elections will work 

For branch representatives on the coordinating group, there will be an online vote if there are more than 2 nominations. To be eligible to put yourself forward, it’s normally expected that you will have been to 3 meetings in the last 6 months of the branch or working group you are looking to represent. This process is based on the union’s rules for how we work together.

Nominations for the Tower Hamlets coordinating group representatives close at 5pm on June 30.

Branch representatives on the coordinating group

The coordinating group is the elected leadership of the LRU. It develops strategy and policies, manages finances and staff and carries out decisions made at our All Member Assembly. It also has a vital role to play in coordinating the work of the union across the city and making sure members across the union have their voice heard. You can read more about the coordinating group here. These members will be on the coordinating group for 12 months.

If you’d like to put yourselves forward to be a representative on the coordinating group you need to do that using this form at the bottom of this page before the meeting where the election will take place.

If you think that you might like to be the representative of your branch on the coordinating group, that’s really exciting! We need the wonderful members in our branches to help build the power of the union in this way.

Any questions?

Need help thinking about it? Would you like to talk to someone about it?

Union staff don’t get to vote and we’re here to help people to stand for election and to make sure it’s as relaxed as possible! So do get in touch by emailing Michael (coordinator@londonrentersunion.org) or Kenny (kenny@londonrentersunion.org) if you’d like to talk it through. If you’re interested in putting yourself forward or would like to chat about it more, please do get in touch!

Nomination form

To put yourself forward for one of these roles, fill out the form below.


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