
Working group coordinators

There is a minimum of one coordinator for each working group, and a maximum of two. The coordinators’ responsibilities are as follows:

  • To communicate with members, branches, working groups and staff, and ensure that the working group is contributing to the overall strategy and objectives of the union. To be the first point(s) of contact for that working group, i.e. for other working groups/members of the union/union staff
  • To ensure that the working group has effective and accessible meetings run by designated facilitators. Agendas should be compiled and circulated in advance of meetings and minutes recorded and circulated afterwards.
  • To help bring new people from the wider membership into the working group, and to ensure that new members have all the information they need to participate fully in the working group.
  • To help maintain a list of working group members and outstanding action points.
  • attend Coordinating Group meetings and act as a communication channel between the Coordinating Group and the working group, including ensuring that the views of a working group and its members are represented at coordinating group meetings.

Working group coordinators are expected to give an average of 1-2 hours a week to these responsibilities, in addition to attending meetings and carrying out other tasks/roles that they might take on as a member of the union. No one can be a coordinator of more than one working group.